Meet Me at Daley Park
Daley Park is one of Tempe’s most beloved public parks. In 2013 I won a commission to paint this mural for the City and it’s still the biggest mural I’ve painted. At 10 feet tall and nearly 400 feet long, this one was big and required big, bold graphics to tell the story. I designed and illustrated a “visual history” of Tempe to fill the space and tell the unique story of Tempe from roughly 1800-2018. Or, in other words, from rural outpost surrounded by open desert to urban(ish) college town hosting the largest university in the United States and a bunch of milestones in between. I tried to capture as much of what made Tempe what it is over the past 200 years. It took me about 12 weeks to paint it all, with an 8 week pause in the middle when I broke my arm.